So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt, where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my son.” Matthew 2:14-15
A virgin gives birth in a stable. Angels light up the sky and shepherds proclaim His Holy birth! A wondrous star leads wise men from far away to worship and adore Him. End of story, right? No! There is more, much more…
As we pack away Christmas decorations and begin a New Year, we fail to recall a new step-father’s dream and an angel warning him to take his wife and child and flee the country… now! We share photos of our Christmas celebrations and put out of mind the story of the unbearable wailing of mothers as soldiers carried out the orders of an insane tyrant running their swords through the bodies of baby boys under the age of two.
Overlooked is the miraculous fulfillment of a long ago prophecy predicting God would once again save His people using an exodus from Egypt. This time, not through a dramatic parting of the Red Sea but through the quiet relocation of a small family taking Jesus, the Son of God, out of Egypt to once and for all save us from Satan’s power through His life, death and resurrection!
Let’s not forget the rest of the story and rejoice over the truly happy ending!