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A Memorial Day Message
Today, as we honor those who have given all for the freedoms we enjoy let’s pause to remember the ones left behind, the ones living in the pain. Let us bear one another’s burdens (Gal….
The Trick is 2 Treat Each Other with Love
Do Halloween and Christians Mix? It’s that time of year again. The time of year when well-meaning Christians argue about what to do with Halloween. And there certainly are lots of loud and passionate opinions to go around. I get that – but…
Christmas Greetings!
I hope this finds you enjoying the Christmas season and looking forward to celebrating with friends and family. I’ll be in London where folks wish each other “Happy Christmas” instead of “Merry Christmas” the way…
I Got This!
Know any three year olds? Then you also know the “Me do!” and “I don’t care what you say, I’m doing this my way,” lifestyle they live. Example: A tricycle ride this week from the…
Old Friends – New Friends
If you were ever a Brownie or Girl Scout you undoubtedly know how to sing a song in rounds. No campfire or car ride to the mall to sell cookies was ever complete without a…
No Little Thing
Next week we will resume the exciting adventures of the Piper Tales. This week Piper and I want to share something with you we hope will serve as a reminder for you to remember and…