Did you catch the Google Doodle for National Teacher’s Day?

The little red pencil running to catch up at the end of the line is simply adorable.  Here’s the link in case you missed it. https://g.co/doodle/82vyse

It’s been said that, “To teach is to touch a life forever,” and I believe that’s true.  Having said that, I hope you will enjoy reading this excerpt from my fellow Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas author and professional speaker, Jane Jenkins Herlong, taken from her award winning, Amazon.com bestselling book:  Bury Me With My Pearls

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity, and sound speech that cannot be condemned, so that an opponent may be put to shame, having nothing evil to say about us.  Titus 2:7-8 (ESV)

“I was afraid.  I had heard about this particular third-grade teacher.  She was tough and tender at the same time.  We felt blessed that our children had an educator like Mrs. Blume, a woman who reflected our family values in her classroom.  She had taught for many years and called it like she saw it.  Her shtick was giving each student a creative nickname, rolling girls’ hair with strips of cloth on Halloween, and keeping the room temperature on “hang meat” because germs weren’t allowed in her classroom.

“Mrs. Blume had been my eldest child’s teacher about a month when she called me in for a conference.  I knew it was coming.   I walked into her perfectly arranged classroom and asked the question most parents would ask, “Well, what’ wrong with my son?” To which she replied, “He’s fine. You’re the problem.” I fell in love with Mrs. Blume that day. She explained that third grade was the all-important grade for parents to “let go and let your children fail. They’ll learn faster.”

“Mrs. Blume was well known for both her common sense and sense of humor.  When telemarketers called her home, Mrs. Blume always responded, “Honey, I’ll buy anything you’re selling as long as you buy a Trenton United Methodist Church Cookbook.  One young lady made the mistake of trying to sell HBO to Mrs. Blume. “Well,” said Mrs. Blume, “you’re selling pornography. Don’t you go to church?”

The young lady replied, “Why, yes.  I am Roman Catholic.”

“Real-ly,” Mrs. Blume drawled. “Then I suggest you go to confession and get another job.”

“Mrs. Blume was a classic hip-shooting educator who knew how to handle all kinds of people:  third graders, controlling parents, and even unwanted telemarketers.  She told it like it was with no apologies.  I learned to appreciate her long history of preparing children for middle school.

“She also taught me something that’s terribly difficult for parents to do:  Allow children to learn from their mistakes.”

Click the link below to purchase a copy of Bury Me With My Pearls and as a bonus receive a FREE Kindle copy of my latest book, Bounce! Don’t Break…  


But hurry – like school, this offer will be over soon!

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