Want To Do Something Hugely Different This Weekend? Try This! A 44 mile Long Yard Sale!
It’s the largest yard sale in South Carolina and runs along Highway 23 through seven (7) tiny town treasures:
Batesburg-Leesville, Monetta, Ridge Spring, Ward, Johnston, Edgefield, and Modoc.
I’ll be there with a cool table in the shade on Calhoun Street, in Johnston. Stop to say hello, and while supplies last, subscribe to A Thought From Penny and you’ll receive a free vegetable ivory dolphin key ring from Ecuador, SA.
Can’t make it? No worries. Hit the button below, enter your e-mail, and you’ll be automatically subscribed. Subscribe today and you’ll also be automatically entered in a drawing to receive a beautiful Ecuadorian basket just like this one.
Insider Tip: Don’t miss the peach ice cream at Sara’s Peach Stand in Trenton,