During her holiday visit from London my youngest daughter shared concern others had expressed for me, noting a decline in A Thought From Penny postings. My immediate reaction was to respond with a litany if guilt ridden excuses.
“Well, you know; I’ve had a total hip replacement and though I’m doing great I’m still recovering, your Dad’s health requiresmore time being present with him, the car broke down and can’t be fixed, the electric garage door has had to be replaced, the pond is overflowing and the drains have to be cleared, the holidays have been a busy time, and now the government shutdown is affecting our family in negative ways—not to mention the four–hour monthly infusions I need in order to fight off infections and stay healthy…
“I know Mom,” she said with a hug. “I just wanted to let you know people have missed hearing from you.”
Later, after much thought and prayer, I came to realize my lack of time at the keyboard has not been as much about circumstances and being busy as it is about a shift of focus that has taken place.
I want to be more present in the daily living of life and less consumed with deadlines and meeting the expectations of others.
I want to be free from the exhaustion of keeping up with every twist, turn, app, program, and training session associated withsocial media, websites and promotion.
That’s a big change for me. And as I’ve often said, “change will change you—the question is—how?” For me it’s being more aware of God’s admonition to, “Be still and know that I am God.”
Be still and know.
Be still.
As I do that, I’ll be posting a little less often than I have been. But don’t worry. I’m still here, happy and blessed to share the “thoughts” God lays on my heart, and still praying for you.
What’s your focus for 2019? Whatever it is, stay in the scriptures and remember:
You’re not alone and somebody cares about you.