What an honor to be featured in Be The Light – Tips For Healthy Living and have the opportunity to share “Setback For A Comeback” with you.
What an honor to be featured in Be The Light – Tips For Healthy Living and have the opportunity to share “Setback For A Comeback” with you.
Do you rake, blow away, bag and shred, compost, mow, or justignore the blanket of red and gold covering every horizontal surface outdoors as leaves fall to the ground? Whatever you do or don’t do with the leaves of autumn—here are three…
What would you say is the most important factor in bouncing back from a physical setback? That’s the question I asked the physical therapist helping me with in-home therapy as I bounce back from the complete hip replacement I had just a few weeks ago. I thought he’d…
It’s OK to walk away from something that hurts you. Sometimes, no matter how hard we try or wish and pray the circumstances of life were different, they never change – and they never will……
Maybe you saw it coming and maybe you didn’t. But you’ve just been fired and the aftershock has you reeling. Don’t feel too bad. It happens to nearly everyone at one time or another. Why,…