I’ve never been as cold and warm at heart as I was during lambing season in Devon, England.  Birthing, feeding and caring for newborn lambs brought the words of the 23rd Psalm alive for me—The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.

First—like a shepherd, God leads me. A good shepherd leads the sheep from out in front of them, not from behind. There isn’t a place where the lambs put their feet that the shepherd hasn’t already walked. There isn’t a valley the sheep go through that the shepherd hasn’t gone through first.

There is nothing coming into my life that isn’t terrain the Shepherd has already covered and given His full approval—including the rocky ground and difficult places. He’ll lead me through that ground.

Second—like a shepherd, He protects me. Sheep are so vulnerable—to disease, to weather, to predators, and to thieves that come to steal them. In the same way, the enemy of our souls would terrorize us, harm us, steal our focus, and tempt us to chart our own course, but our Shepherd protects us.  He knows me by name and I know His voice. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. 

Third—like a shepherd, He feeds me. Sheep need green pastures and still waters. I need physical food and spiritual nourishment. The Word of God in devotionals and sermons are a sampling of God’s feeding, and I can feast every day on His written Word:

How confidently can you say, “The LORD is my shepherd,” trusting that He will lead, protect, and feed you?

Excerpts taken from: Our Journey- James McDoald – Walk in the Word

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