When, “Places to go, People to see, and Things to do,” became, nowhere to go, please stay away from me, and there’s nothing to do, I began enjoying new adventures on the COVID Curiosity Tour.

• Making carb friendly pizza crust with almond flour.

• Ordering from Amazon so often the dogs don’t even bother to bark at the UPS man anymore. By the way – is anyone out there in need of an inspirational coloring book for adults? I tried, I really did … I’m just more of a “my big coloring book” kind of artist.

Click on the Share With A Friend button at the bottom of the page, then e-mail your street address to [email protected] by midnight Friday, September 4, and it could be yours! This is a random drawing giveaway.

• Best new thing of all:

Joining the dogs in more and more outside time. Now I step into the day with two tail-wagging pooches waiting at the door eager to hear, “let’s go walking.” They race ahead to the day lily patch, wait to see if I’m going on to the Kissing Bridge (another story—another time …) and on the way back stop at Golden Rock and wait for me to take my place there.

Golden Rock is a large, flat-faced rock in a wall that holds the earth in place across from Crystal Pond. It’s the perfect place to sit for puppy loves and talks with God. Recently those talks have centered around hurricane Laura as it prowled the Gulf of Mexico bent on wreaking havoc on Lake Charles, Louisiana—home to my sister, niece, and her family. After I’d finished my prayers for protection and peace of mind, I looked out toward the pond and noticed little bees flying low in the grass. “What are they doing? There are no flowers out there.”

They were drinking water from dew still on the blades of grass. Matthew 6:26-34 immediately came to mind, “Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” It occurred to me that must also apply to thirsty bees just as it does for me, my sister, my niece, and her family.

I left Golden Rock without a promise that this would be an easy time to get through, or that God would swipe Laura away with His mighty hand. But I did leave knowing He would keep His promise to care for us more, much more than He does for birds and bees, who by the way, He also sees through hurricanes.

And through is the word to focus on—no matter what storms of life we’re facing. It’s the same word in the 23rd Psalm that assures us the Lord will be with us, even if we walk through the dark shadows of death.

You’ll be happy to know everyone made it safely through the night in the sturdy house of another family member. However, the mobile home they left behind did not fare as well. It has four (4!) pine trees through the roof with one section completely separated from the rest of the trailer. It’s a total loss and they have no home to return to …

It’s going to be interesting to see how the Lord works His promise of Romans 8:28 to work all of this together for good in our lives. He’s sure got a lot to work with!!

Our family will get through this. And if you’re in the middle of a hard, bad, terrible, awful, no good time, so will you. Hang on, take it one day at a time, focus on the moment, take a deep breath, and remember:

God loves you.

He’s for you.

You can trust Him with your future.

What adventures has the COVID Curiosity Tour taken you on over the past six months?

My brother said this: “I discovered Cheap Chicken Nite on Wednesdays at a take-out restaurant I never knew existed before.“

And here’s the link to that carb friendly pizza crust in case you want to give it a go.

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