I’ve had the same military ID for a number of years and gave its expiration date little thought. But on a recent visit to nearby Fort Gordon Army Base, rather than the usual scan-and-go method of gaining entry at the main gate, I was stopped by a security guard who gave my ID a thorough inspection before allowing me to pass. His curiosity spurred mine, and I’m thankful it did. My card was about to expire—in one week!
Filling out the necessary forms at the ID office I mentioned the date being Good Friday and said something about how odd it seemed to call it Good Friday, when it was anything but for Jesus.” After a subtle glance toward the open door the issuing officer softly added, “True. But it was a very good day for sinners.”
Our conversation continued and I soon discovered, like me, she was a speaker at Christian Women’s events. When I shared how my speaking had been put aside due to changes in my life and the onset of the pandemic, she encouraged me to consider beginning again and gave me the name of the new Army Community Services director, who she knew was in and would welcome a visit.
The Lord knows every step of our journey. Like the GPS on our phones, He knows where we’ve come from, where we’re heading, and where He wants us to be. When we read His Word, pray and stay connected to other believers we can hear Him speak to us through His Holy Spirit and willingly respond when He re-routes us with specific and personal guidance.
Personally, through my soon-to-expire ID card, the Lord has specifically re-routed my journey, re-opening doors with divine appointments I pray will give me another opportunity to use where I’ve come from to be precisely where He wants me to be now. I’ll let you know how it goes . . .
What about you? Where have you come from and where does God want you to be?
“As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” (I Peter 4:7-10)